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Serving clients worldwide through our Asian and African offices

Ata Marie is an international consulting and management company

"Our aim is to support global sustainable development"

Our Vision: To foster sustainable resource management and economic opportunities through innovation and capacity building.

Mission Statement: To provide authoritative advice and expert management services that lead to sustainable and profitable management of natural resources.

We seek to:

  • Promote sustainable and responsible management of natural resources for the benefit of our clients, local communities and the whole of society

  • Provide services of the highest professional and ethical standards

  • Effect positive change for the betterment of our clients, local communities and society as a whole.

ATA MARIE offers a wide range of services including natural resource assessment, natural resource management, design and management of processing facilities, implementation of bio-energy and renewables projects, and the implementation of supporting IT technology.



Ata Marie was formed in 2007 by a merger of pre-existing forest industry, consulting and IT firms.

Since that time, we have grown into respected forestry and agri-business consulting firm. We have worked in 20 countries across Asia, the Pacific and Africa, with an extensive track record over numerous assignments.

Strategic Partners


  • technical support partners

  • IT systems development partners

Where we work 

Ata Marie Group has worked in over 30 countries on four continents. The Group has offices in Jakarta, Hong Kong and Accra to service South East Asia/Pacific, East Asian and African markets.

List of Projects


Find out about our projects to understand better about our service that might be useful and suitable for your company

Resource within the Company

Ata Marie has built a committed professional team of consultants with a diverse range of expertise. Experienced expatriates are complimented by strong teams of local consultants.

In its main operational base in Jakarta, a total of 18 permanent staff are employed including field foresters, remote sensing and GIS technicians, and field staff focussed on social surveys and community engagement. 

In addition, AMG have developed an extensive pool of associates and partners. This combination of in-house and external expertise means that Ata Marie can provide functional teams of people, tailored to the unique requirements of each client.

Our Director, George Kuru, taking a break during the Bamboo Management Program.

Ethiopia 2016

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